실제로: 실제로 [實際-] actually; really; as a matter of fact; in fact; practically; in practice; virtually; in effect; to tell the truth. 그는 햄릿을 ~ 흉내내려고 한다 He is trying to imitate Hamlet in real life. 그것은 ~ 있었던
실제: 실제 [實弟] =친아우.실제 [實際] [사실] the (exact) truth; a fact; [실정] an actual state; the actual condition of things; [실지] practice; [현실] reality; actuality. ~의[적인] practical / actual / real / [사실상의] virtual /
It's helpful to view work as it progresses, but sometimes teams spend as much time managing the process as actually doing the job. 업무를 프로세스로 바라보는 것은 도움이 되지만 때때로 팀들은 실제로 일을 하는 것보다 그 프로세스를 관리하는 데에 더 많은 시간을 허비합니다.